Becoming Catholic (R.C.I.A. Program)

R.C.I.A – Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults

Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. We welcome all to join us in His Holy Church, the living Body of Jesus Christ.

Whether you’re a baptized Catholic, but have not been Confirmed or you’re coming from a different faith tradition and interested in becoming Catholic, The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the wonderful program that guides you through the process.

This group of fellow Christians usually meets weekly from mid-September through May and are welcomed into faith with the Sacraments of Initiation on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil. However, there are different paths depending on where you are at with your faith journey and what sacraments you might have already received.

For more information please fill out Registration form HERE

As you discern God’s call, please know of our prayers for you and offer of support and encouragement.  Please call the parish office and talk with Father or our Evangelization & Outreach Coordinator to learn what is next after you fill out the form.


Contact Info

Pastoral Minister

715-258-2088 Ext 106

St. Mary Magdalene Office

P.O. Box 409

N2845 Shadow Road
Waupaca, WI 54981

1 mile south of Hwy. 10 on Hwy. 22

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday  8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
Friday 8:00 a.m. - Noon

Contact Us

Phone (715) 258-2088
Fax (715) 258-5708